To stream our content please go to our YouTube page or click on the link on top of the page. If we have an upcoming live stream you can view it there, you can also subscribe to our YouTube Channel to be automatically notified when we schedule a live stream.
The Audio/Visual Group (AV) works hard to produce a succesul stream and an efficient flow to our church service.
To facilitate a smooth streaming experience the AV Group will assume the role of Platform Manager during the service in coordination with the Pastor/Speaker, the Platform Elder, and the Praise Song Leader, including:
1. Starting the service on time
2. Provide a countdown timer on the confidence monitor (on rear wall) for prearranged times for:
a. Praise Songs
b. Childrens Story
c. Sermon
d. Overall length of service
3. Queue participants when their participation is next.
Please follow the below guidelines. Please send the information needed to no later than 6:00 p.m. Thursday
You can also fill out the following Google forms.